Back on My Feet DIY Fundraising supporting Back on My Feet

I know how passionate we all are about running, and thought this would give us a chance to share that passion and give back.
Thanks so much for considering a gift to Back On My Feet!
I'm Terrell Johnson, and I set up this page for readers of The Half Marathoner who'd like to give to this organization, which is doing amazing things to help the most vulnerable get back on their feet through running, all across the U.S.A.
Any donation you can make is welcome -- to give you an idea of the impact your donation could have:
- $30 could provide a member with spring running gear
- $50 could provide a member with winter running gear
- $100 could provide a member the ability to celebrate with BoMF family during the year
- $250 could provide a member race fees, incentives to reach certain mileage milestones
- $500 could provide a member with education and job assistance
- $1,000 could cover most professional certifications so our members can find work
If you have any questions, take a look at the About section, or email SO much for supporting Back On My Feet and helping to make their mission possible!
Your friend,
-- Terrell